
Helpful Internet Links


Helpful Information

Where's My IRS Refund?

You can use this website to check on the status of your tax return within 24 hours after the IRS has received your e-filed tax return, or 4 weeks after your paper return was mailed. Please have your social security number or ITIN, filing status, and the exact amount of your refund with you.

IRS Tax Information for Individuals

Access to useful information, booklets and other tools for individuals from the Internal Revenue Service.

U.S. Small Business Administration

An electronic gateway of procurement information for and about small businesses.

Government Information

U.S. White House

Official White House site presents issue positions, news, Cabinet, appointments, offices and major speeches. Includes biography, video tour and photo essays.

U.S. House of Representatives

Find your local representative, view the directory of representatives, see current bill proceedings, and more.

U.S. Senate

View the legislative schedule, see legislation and reports, contact your senator, and more.

U.S. Department of Commerce

Find information about bureaus and offices, get nets, see key economic indicators, and frequently asked questions.

Affordable Care Act

Enroll for coverage, see health coverage choices and ways to save, and get answers.